Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't Mess

I've been sitting on so many photos for so many reasons. Not letting tricks leak, submitted to magazines, as of yet-unlanded tricks and just plain laziness. It's a wonder you lot get to see any at all. It's probably fair to let the better ones be seen, especially with the coming spring inspiring anxiousness and inpatience.

I'm going to begin by posting a couple of year old stills from our trip last January to Houston, which mostly haven't been seen because they submitted for print but never ended up making the cut.

Joel Watamaniuk, gap to noseblunt

Joel again, switch tail over a long gap

Chris Marleau, feebling a famous rail.

Watamaniuk Twins, back 180 nosegrind and switch crook on a high bust ledge.

The photo in the link was taken by some fat creepy dude without a clue. It was pretty funny at the time.

Isaac Watamaniuk, frontside noseslide.

On a final note, who checked this blog from Paris? That's awesome.


aaron wynia said...

i like joels noseblunt photo...
hhaha, i always laugh when i remember seeing that weird photo of her tits

jace said...

Hey man, Its Joel CLarke previously of sudbury...I live in Paris..just keepin up on whats kickflipin in the big nick..

Peter Stankiewicz said...

That's rad!

Man, now I feel like going out there, seems pretty fun.

jace said...

Paris is super dope..i would recommend it highly