Top 6 Sudbury Spots
1. Falconbridge (one street of demolition)
2. "The Rock"
3. Ghetto Bank
4. St. Charles (the town)
5. Foundation
6. I'd have to go with the Costco Ledges
Top 6 Sudbury Dudes
1. Chris Marleau (Creee)
2. Justin Lamothe (Jayyy)
3. Freedom 23 (Potter, James and Randy, counts as one lol)
4. Chad Sampson
5. Devin Sager (Rob's with him too of course)
6. Of course Danny Belanger!
7. Corey Teskey
6 Things you've made a smoking device out of
1. Bucket (thanks Palmer)
2. Nestle Water Bottles
3. Beer Can
4. Pop Can
5. Parachute (2L bottle, tape and garbage bag)
6. Apple
Top 6 reasons to get mad
1. Not landing my go to tricks
2. Hitting a rock everytime you go to do something
3. Falling hard on your first trick
4. Trying to calm yourself down after losing your temper
5. Your brand new 1 day old board takes a death trip into Lake Ontario
6. You know your really passionate...nono your really passinit! NOO your passin the LCBO!

Top 6 Pros today
1. Tommy Sandoval
2. Brian Hansen
3. Dennis Busenitz
4. Brent Atchley
5. Tony Trujillio
6. Chris Cole
7. Sammy Baca
Top 6 bands
1. Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR)
2. Led Zeppelin
3. The Allman Brothers Band
4. Jethro Tull
5. Pink Floyd
6. The Beatles
Top 6 reasons why hockey is better than skateboarding
1. Team effort
2. Less ankle sprains
3. Body Checking
4. Less...well i still do lose my temper in hockey
5. Pride and Glory
6. All those young chicks you get haha

Top 6 reasons why skateboarding is better than hockey
1. One man for himself
2. Even more pride! Even more Glory!
3. The feel is much better
4. Freedom
5. Cruising
6. You can wear nothing at all!
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