So here's the deal...
I'm staying in Ottawa for the summer therefore, I am tempting all of you guys to come to me for a change and what better way than to show you a few spots that most of which are under 10 minute skate from my house. I'll be doing one or two more of these spot checks later on but here is the first one:
"Sandy Hill Ledges"
This spot is super fun with two ultra waxed ledges that run into the ground at either end so you can just ride up and grind. Good spot for lines since they're back to back. The closer ledge even has a little grind over gap if you want with those 4 man-hole things. If you continue on, the benches are also made of plastic and can grind as well. Did I mention that you never ever get kicked out? This bitch is a 2 minute hill bomb from my house.

This pool spot is actually at the same place as the ledges above just farther back in the community centre. Because of the paint they slide really quick and when you get to the end you can pop up onto the deck of the pool. In the second picture you can see that random mini quarter that looks like it belongs not there. Pretty fun to bonk from that into the pool. People have been skating here for years so everyones pretty much just accepted skaters here so there's no need to worry about getting yelled at. Unfortunately it is a pool so come late June it will be filled with water and screaming children so hurry up.

"Laurier Ledge"
This little gem is an easy 5 minute skate west of my home. The run up is a little tight but the waxiness of the ledge allows for smooth sailing. The landing (depending on which way you come from) can also act as a manual so you can grind to manual onto the street. This is on Ottawa U's campus so sometimes you do get kicked out but if you hit it on a weekend then usually no one cares.

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"Lansdowne Park"
This ones a doozy. Right off the bat we have a huge 14 set so if you feel like being crazy look no further. I believe there is also a 12 here that has been feebled and back liped. To the left is the slanted ledges you may have seen in ottawa/magazines. The run to these is a little rough but nothing new to a sudbury skater. They're a lot of fun and actually not to hard to skate. Pretty much everything ever has been done on them (including Northbay's Jon P. front blunt bigspin to flat) but still worth hitting up. This spot is a little far from my home but if you hop on the bus and take either the 7 Carleton or 1 Greenboro/Southkeys you can get there in about 15 minutes. You may remember a few shots of Fielding and Devin skating an up-ledge? Well that is directly beside this. Hit this up weekdays after 4 p.m. and you should be set.

Remember Tim? Well here's a front tail for your viewing pleasure.