Saturday, May 30, 2009

Love Skateboarding!

So, the good fellows at Love Skateboards put out a video a few months ago, and I've neglected to post it until now.

I promised Isaac I'd put it up here to get Love some exposure. And there's a few clips of Chris Marleau in there, too.

Check out their blog for more clips, like a new 2009 promo, and, stuff, from time to time.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Silly Kids Games has been up for a year now. That's kind of exciting.

So are ollies. So I'm making an all ollie post to celebrate one year of SKG.

Mikey Plantus, Ollie into the bank

Rob Roy, Switch ollie from ages ago

Jordache Bouchard

Chris Marleau

Kyle Pascoe